Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Asian Boyfriends And A Non-Jewish Jew


Apparently, my best friend, Shannon Tipsie, has decided to date that Bastian kid who my brother knows. That I spent Thanksgiving Eve with? Yeah. Him. The Asian kid. Wow. And she could not stand to tell me until two weeks AFTER it is finalized? What is up with that? I mean, okay, if you need time to decide then take some time, but Shannon, HELLO, best friend here!!!! I don't like being in the dark with my best friends love life, GOSH.

Anyways, I cannot wait for Christmas. It seriously is my favorite holiday of the year. The lights and the snow and cookies, and oh, there is just too much to mention. Although, my brother has decided to adopt Jewish traditions and so will not be celebrating with my family and I. Don't ask me why he has suddenly chosen to be a non-Jewish Jew, but I won't be one to judge him. And trust me, I really don't care about what he does or what religion he is, but isn't becoming a non-Jewish Jew a little bit weird? Just a little bit? Okay, whatever.

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