Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve

So, yeah, it's the night before Thanksgiving, and my mom is making me go out with my step-brother to meet his friends. She thinks that just because she married Kameron it makes him my dad and Richard my brother, but no, it does not. Kameron will never replace my deceased father, and Richard is selfish and naive. But at least he is social. My mom thinks that if I go meet Richards friends, it might help me get less shy, but she's wrong. It won't work. It never does, and likely never will.

Anyways, Richard drove us to the tennis courts off of Main Street, and thats where we met his friends. Yeah, tennis courts. On November 24. Don't ask me why, because I just don't know. he introduced me to six guys. Yeah, all guys. So awkward for me. There were two english guys (possibly twins), three really boring white guys, one of which was named Michael, and an Asian dude named Bastian. Which truly is a sexy name. And he was handsome too, black hair and all.

When it came time to introduce myself, I fell next to silent and mumbled my name. Richard sighed very loudly and I smiled, knowing I had annoyed him, which I liked to do. We then played tennis, and I must admit, the Asian kid, Bastian, was pretty good. I did not want to waste my energy though, so I didn't go all out on him. Even though I was on the varsity tennis team.

After that we drank coffee at a small coffee shop down the road. Richard bought me coffee without asking if I wanted any, and I would have said no, because I hate coffee. Bastian got a chai and seemed to like it. A lot. I kept quiet in the corner while the guys talked, spending most of my time staring out the window at the park across the road, and taking quick glances at Bastian. As I said, he was handsome, but not my kind. And judging by the way he held himself, there was a slight chance he could be homosexual.

We went to his house afterwards and I decided I was bored and wanted to go home. Over and over I asked Richard if I could get some change and take the bus home, and every time, he ignored me. After a little while of this, Bastian snapped at me and called me Pop Tart. Which I still don't understand, but whatever. And his cat, Shamwow (yes, a very strange name) for some reason liked staring at me. I pretty much stared back at him the entire time. Only after we dropped most of the other guys off did we return to Bastians's house to play MW3. And let me tell you, I am a master at it. Yet again, I was the shy and quiet girl, so I chose not to show off my full talent. Funny that everything I did I was actually a pro at. But I'm guessing everyone else just saw a quiet girl who had mediocre talent at everything.

And that is perfectly fine for me.

Well, I had an interesting night, and I hope that maybe someday I will break my shy spell and be a normal, social teenager. Until then, farewell all, and to all a happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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